It started with a youtube video
And as usual it spiraled out of control (took me a lot of time to update the blog)
So I made the repo as the video showed, then I realized I like having as close to a single command as possible
So I started up on an install script, then I remembered that dotbot was a thing
Why reinvent the wheel?
So I didn’t… Mostly
I wasn’t particularly satisfied with the shell module, what I wanted to do with it was a bit more complex than was elegant with dotbot.
That’s where a small bit of shell script comes in, but then no nice colored output on failure
Wen’t and learned how to color my output (just gonna leave this here)
info() {
printf "\033[0;94m [INFO] ${@}\033[0m\n"
warn() {
printf "\033[0;33m [WARN] ${@}\033[0m\n"
error() {
printf "\033[0;31m [ERROR] ${@}\033[0m\n"
success() {
printf "\033[0;32m[SUCCESS] ${@}\033[0m\n"
debug() {
if [ ! -z $DEBUG ] ; then printf "\033[0;37m [DEBUG] ${@}\033[0m\n"; fi
Hiding output from other scripts in a way that I could turn off was a bit more interesting, but not like no one needed to do it before
if [ "$DEBUG" == 'verbose' ]; then
in the end you just source your other scripts and voila
for f in ./scripts/*.sh; do
. "$f"
Custom script runner to install your stuff
See the repo for starship, fzf, and thefuck install scripts
Only about 20 tabs used for this, give or take