Run: npm i -D nodemon concurrently
Add the following npm scripts
"dev:full": "concurrently --kill-others \"npm run scss:dev\" \"npm run dev:nodemon\"",
"dev:nodemon": "nodemon --exec \"npm run dev\"",
"scss": "sass src/scss/:static/style/",
"scss:dev": "sass -w src/scss/:static/style/"
Add npm run scss &&
before the build
, package
, preview
"build": "npm run scss && svelte-kit build",
"package": "npm run scss && svelte-kit package",
"preview": "npm run scss && svelte-kit preview",
"prepare": "npm run scss && svelte-kit sync",
The setup
So I started a little project (hopefully I will write about it soon) and I tought I would write the frontend in svelte
Then I remembered that SvelteKit was a thing, and I meant to learn it as well, so I started a new project with it.
I was pleasantly surprised when the new project setup asked about both Typescript and Sass (scss), I like both, but when I looked into changing the full body style I was a bit disappointed
No support for directly compiling an scss file for the body, to include in the
Well, let’s see what options we got
The first thing that jumps out is perhaps the best option
SvelteKit’s preprocessor for styles has a special :global
selector, so you
could have the following block in your main __layout.svelte
<style lang="scss">
:global {
@import '<path to global scss>';
Which works just fine, but it generates a lot of warnings in other components, paths, that don’t have any element matching some selector in your global file.
let’s try something else
If you run sass -w <path to global>:<path to static>
to have Sass compile your
stylesheet, adding <link rel="stylesheet" href="%sveltekit.assets%/global.css">
to your app.html
It works fine…
When you start svelte-kit dev
If you modify your file afterwards, it won’t change even if you reload your page.
It’s static why should it?
Enter nodemon
is a wonderful little node package/application, it watches your files,
if something changes it stops and restarts your process(es)
Which is nice, you can tell it to run the npm cript for svelte-kit and watch your global file
So let’s install nodemon with npm i -D nodemon
, and to keep the npm script
short let’s add a nodemon.json
"delay": 0.25,
"watch": [
"<path to static file>"
This will tell nodemon to watch the file for changes, and to wait for 250ms to restart (might not be needed, but it helps with giving sass time to settle files)
Let’s add a new npm script:
"dev:nodemon": "nodemon --exec \"npm run dev\""
I like leaving the original alone, as hopefully global styles will rarely change.
The only thing missing is a single command that will start both the Sass
compilation. Thankfully someone made concurrently
Adding concurrently
is a node package made for running things side by side…
It’s cross platform, so it will run on pretty much all development environments.
It has the --kill-others
option which will make sure that everything dies
You can install it by running npm i -D concurrently
We’re almost there, last thing we need to do is add a few more npm scripts
"dev:full": "concurrently --kill-others \"npm run scss:dev\" \"npm run dev:nodemon\"",
"scss": "sass <path to global>:<path to static>",
"scss:dev": "sass -w <path to global>:<path to static>"
Now running npm run dev:full
will start the Sass compiler in watch mode
One more preventative measure
Just to make sure that you always have the global css compiled when packaging, we’ll modify a few of the default SvelteKit npm scripts
Let’s add npm run scss &&
before the build
, package
, preview
"build": "npm run scss && svelte-kit build",
"package": "npm run scss && svelte-kit package",
"preview": "npm run scss && svelte-kit preview",
"prepare": "npm run scss && svelte-kit sync"
And that’s it, now you can run npm run dev:full
to get your global css
recompiling. No hot reload I’m afraid, but hitting refresh is not that hard.
PS.: should I add the generated css to .gitignore
Personally i’m not going to, it’s really not that big in the first place, and it’s not likely to change a lot, at least in my setup, where I mostly just set a few css variables
On the other hand, you are more likely to notice it missing, than seeing that some change hasn’t propagared into it.
This one is up to you