Unsurprisingly, less painful
Github actions are wonderful, love the integration, and you can find pretty much everything you need on the marketplace.
The workflow is almost the same:
Checkout Get Hugo Build with Hugo Rsync you can check out the yaml here
Differences I don’t need to keep a Hugo executable in the repo, there is an Action that gets the latest version for me.
I can keep the ssh key in a repository secret instead of the janky encrypted file that I used before, there probably was a way with Travis, but nothing quite as simple
So the theme i used until now was Blackburn, it was nice, but the background was just too white for me.
Now you might say that i should just override the theme’s CSS and be done with it, but I don’t have that kind of aesthetic sense.
I really should have.
But here I am, with a new template, that I built, almost from scratch, so let’s see what I learned in the past few days.
So today after a long while I finally got around to automating the deploy of the blog.
Tough not the way I initially thought.
The first idea was to install Hugo on the server and have it periodically pull and rebuild the repository
Then I remembered Travis CI.
I quickly looked it up, and saw that I was not the first to think up the idea (no big surprise there), so let’s see what we can find.
So for the first post on my blog I will tell you about my experience with Hugo
Setup is simple enough, just follow the instructions on their get started page. If you are on Windows I recommend installing with Chocolatey
A lot less painful on Windows than Jekyl, as you don’t have to mess around with installing ruby
Last time I tried to set Jekyl up I was messing around for about 3 hours, comparatively this site was about 1 hour, from deciding to set it up to this post